Join us for a free Yogallegro community yoga class!
Download Zoom
Zoom is a free video conferencing tool that not only enables you to see me in a yoga class, but I can also see you - and you can see and interact with the others in the class. It’s almost like being in a studio, but without the commute!
If you don’t have Zoom, just visit and install it. Don’t worry - there’s no ads or malware; it’s perfectly safe for your computer.
Prepare for the class
Find a quiet spot if you can and clear some space for yourself. Choose a spot that you can point your device camera at and then set down your mat, if you have one. (It’s best to have a mat for padding and to prevent slippage, but if you don’t have one yet, don’t let that stop you.) Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Yoga is typically practiced barefoot.
Do what you can to create a nurturing environment. Dim the lights, light a candle or incense, ask friends and family not to disturb you during your practice. After all, it’s only an hour and you need to be able to dedicate this short time to your self-care.
Join the class
10 minutes before class, log into Zoom using the information below. We will be there to check and ensure that your video is on and your camera is well-positioned, and that you can see and hear everyone before we get started.
That’s all there is to it. We’ll take it from there and lead you through a practice that will care for you mind, body, and spirit!
Schedule and login
april 2020
Monday, April 20th
12:00pm - 1:10pm
Thursday, April 23rd
12:00pm - 1:10pm
Monday, April 27th
12:00pm - 1:10pm
Thursday, April 30th
12:00pm - 1:10pm
In order to protect your privacy and to protect the class from “Zoombombing,” you will need to request access via email. Signing in and Zoom account creation are FREE and EASY.
Email me for the meeting link here.
Tips are hip!
All Yogallegro community classes are free of charge, but tips are accepted.